Statement on the Use of Brine to Treat Roadways
Emily Bacha, Communications Director, November 2, 2019
The following statement can be attributed in full or in part to Heather Taylor-Miesle, Executive Director of the Ohio Environmental Council:
At the Ohio Environmental Council, we pride ourselves on achieving environmental protection through forward-thinking, science-based, pragmatic solutions. We conduct our advocacy on principles of transparency, accuracy, and honesty. However, our comment in the October 23rd article regarding the use of oil and gas wastewater (“brine”) to treat roadways was not accurate. We made a mistake and we apologize.
After the article ran, we became aware of powerful new scientific evidence uncovered by advocates who are leading on this issue. We have now had the chance to examine it and the evidence is deeply troubling. Testing by the State of Ohio shows that brine is, as a general matter, highly radioactive. Of 151 samples taken from 150 different sources of Ohio brine, 148 samples exceeded environmental discharge limits, and all 151 exceeded federal safe drinking water standards. In short, this evidence shows that oil and gas wastewater is a danger to the public and the environment and it should not be spread on Ohio’s roadways.
Ohio is lucky to have a group of passionate advocates leading on this issue who are bringing to light the true threats of allowing unchecked brine wastewater to be spread on roads.