
using ActBlue

Click the Donate button to give a tax-deductible donation to Columbus Community Rights Coalition.

If you do not want to donate online, you can click HERE to download/print a form for donating via written check by mail.


Columbus Community Rights Coalition Inc. (CCRC) is a tax-exempt (501(c)(3)) organization.  This means your donations to CCRC are tax-deductible.  These funds can be used for most other purposes.  Some examples include:

  • educating the public using our postcards, videos, and seminars
  • funding our water monitoring program for the watershed that is the source of Columbus’ public water.
  • Producing and promoting publications such as our white paper on our issue with the Columbus water sources.

using ActBlue

Click the Donate button to give a non-tax-deductible donation to Columbus Community Bill of Rights.

If you do not want to donate online, you can click HERE to download/print a form for donating via written check by mail.


Columbus Community Bill of Rights (CCBOR) is an issue-based political action committee (PAC), therefore donations are not tax-deductible.  This is the organization you know that has existed since 2014. 

Funds through CCBOR can be used for political as well as non-political expenditures, particularly to print petitions for collecting signatures toward passing political ballot initiatives.