Alot of people in Ohio have been waiting for this story to become public! Oil and gas brines that are waste products of wells are hundreds of times more radioactive than has been previously known to the public. It is time to ban the use of these materials anywhere on the surface environment. Click HERE to read the full story in Rolling Stone Magazine. Featured image: Brine trucks at injection well in Cambridge, Ohio. George Etheridge for Rolling Stone.
Category: waste
frack waste issues
Ohio Environmental Council PRESS RELEASE
Ohio Environmental Council retracts statement that frack brine is safe.

The Dangers of Fracking Waste: Is There Any Safe Way to Dispose of It?
December 8, 2017 | By: Wendell G. Bradley Excerpt from ‘Chemical & Engineering News’ Landfills and land spreads apparently have been relying on the measurements of Operators, who, in turn, justify their releases per a COGCC 2014 study (4). That study, however, used a discreditedmeasuring/testing protocol (5). As a result, Operators are typically under measuring by at least factors of 100.

Radium Watersheds a Risk
Click HERE to read this article on that highlights the Columbus public watershed’s exposure to radioactive oil & gas wastes. Local oil/gas brine tanker disposing of frack waste at an injection well in Morrow County, OH.