December 8, 2017 | By: Wendell G. Bradley Excerpt from ‘Chemical & Engineering News’ Landfills and land spreads apparently have been relying on the measurements of Operators, who, in turn, justify their releases per a COGCC 2014 study (4). That study, however, used a discreditedmeasuring/testing protocol (5). As a result, Operators are typically under measuring by at least factors of 100.
Month: March 2019

Letter: Protect our water from fracking waste
October 31, 2017 | By: Bill Lyons Columbus needs to protect one of its most precious resources — its water — from fracking waste. There are 13 injection wells of frack waste in our Upper Scioto Watershed Area with permits for more on the way. Each one of these wells has millions of gallons of radioactive waste containing Radium 226 with a half-life of 1,600 years along with carcinogens, neurotoxins, and hormone disruptors. For short-term profit of the oil and gas industry, we are taking a long-term risk for which…