Ohio Environmental Council retracts statement that frack brine is safe.
Year: 2019

Theodore Decker: Pipeline protection bill stomps on civil rights
The wording of SB 33 is as murky as that gray sludge the pipeline companies spilled all over the landscape back when they were assembling their lines with all the care of a sugar-addled toddler cramming and jamming his way through a bucket of giant Legos.

Rights of Nature - Episode 2
The Lake Erie Bill of Rights (LEBOR) made history when 61 percent of Toledo, Ohio, voters approved the groundbreaking law to establish legally enforceable rights for the 11th largest lake on Earth.

The Underlying Politics and Unconventional Well Fundamentals of an Appalachian Storage Hub
[Excerpt:] With all of the discussion and legislation focused on energy and national security, many don’t realize the output of the ASH would be the production of petroleum-based products: mainly plastic, but also fertlizers, paints, resins, and other chemical products. Not coincidentally, Republican Ohio State Representatives George Lang and Don Jones just introduced House Bill 242, and attempt to support the plastic industry by “prohibit[ing] the imposition of a tax or fee on containers, and apply existing anti-littering law to those containers.” Click HERE to read full article at FracTracker.com

CELDF: Ohio Legislature Bans Rights of Nature Enforcement
Click HERE to read the CELDF press release

ComFest 2019 - OHCRN rocks!
Watch the ‘Wise Guys of Profit City’ at the ComFest 2019 Solar Tent. Watch Tish O’Dell speak on community rights/rights-of-nature at the ComFest 2019 Solar Tent

The Dangers of Fracking Waste: Is There Any Safe Way to Dispose of It?
December 8, 2017 | By: Wendell G. Bradley Excerpt from ‘Chemical & Engineering News’ Landfills and land spreads apparently have been relying on the measurements of Operators, who, in turn, justify their releases per a COGCC 2014 study (4). That study, however, used a discreditedmeasuring/testing protocol (5). As a result, Operators are typically under measuring by at least factors of 100.

Letter: Protect our water from fracking waste
October 31, 2017 | By: Bill Lyons Columbus needs to protect one of its most precious resources — its water — from fracking waste. There are 13 injection wells of frack waste in our Upper Scioto Watershed Area with permits for more on the way. Each one of these wells has millions of gallons of radioactive waste containing Radium 226 with a half-life of 1,600 years along with carcinogens, neurotoxins, and hormone disruptors. For short-term profit of the oil and gas industry, we are taking a long-term risk for which…

Radium Watersheds a Risk
Click HERE to read this article on FracTracker.org that highlights the Columbus public watershed’s exposure to radioactive oil & gas wastes. Local oil/gas brine tanker disposing of frack waste at an injection well in Morrow County, OH.